
pretty as a peacock.

this book is actually from a while back, just haven't gotten around to posting books lately! i really love this peacock paper... sadly my source sold out of it before i thought to buy more.

i tried to get the sheen of the metallic gold, but it's just hard to photograph. i've got a skinny, long swatch of it left that is too small to make a book with... i'm sure i'll just keep it in my stash for a few years before i know what to do with it.


i am trying to get my act together to post more - more books, more projects, more photography. believe it or not, i really do things outside of work - you just wouldn't know it looking here. i really just have a hard time figuring out content at the end of the day when all i really want to do is drink a glass of wine and spend some time with my husband and the pups.

i do have a few other thoughts though: as an avid reader of many types of blogs, it's discouraging to constantly see how much others can seemingly get done in a day. but on the other hand, some things that others post just don't seem worth it - it's stupid (to me) or random and it upsets me that i wasted my 20 seconds glancing at their post in my reader. that the only reason it was shared was so that they would have something to post that day. and that's not the kind of content that i want on my blog. i'd like people to really look at my projects, read my thoughts and study my photographs. i want my content to be interesting. and i think that's why i've posted so sparsley lately. i am a perfectionist at heart and sometimes have a hard time making decisions, even on silly things like blog posts.

thanks for letting me rant. i think a week-long vacation to anywhere other than lubbock (or the near vicinity) would cure me.

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